時代 が 進む につれて 英語

公共政策が進むにつれて as the public policies evolve. 18 hours ago世の中の時代が進むにつれて人間の生活環境は便利になる一方ですが何故これまでよりも便利になったのかどのような仕組みとなっているのかなどと時には深く思慮する時間も改めて大切に.

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時代につれて じだい に つれ て 時代とともに じだい とともに 時代につれて の類義語 gurobaru 同じ意味です.

. ぴかぴか完璧に片付いているを英語でspick and span の意味. As the public policies evolve. As time has passed.

The problem has proved more serious. 明治 時代 に入り教育の普及が 進む に つれ て生産量が増大. As time went on.

As civilization progresses advances2. 世紀が進むにつれて as the centuries roll by. As the centuries roll by.

As the centuries roll by. 妊娠が進むにつれて as gestation progresses. 授業が進むにつれて難しくなる As the.

As OO occurs OO occurs. As civilization progresses. As the centuries roll by.

With the advance of civilization. As the season goes on we get better. Now in the course of time different parts of the brain do different things.

As rates of economic development increase demand for water will increase as well. As the story progressed I became more. As the song progresses it is anything but.

As time went on our hopes sank. Production of the Kumano-fude increased as education became widely available after the Meiji era began.

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Related : 時代 が 進む につれて 英語.